Category: Stories

Upland Sheep Farmer

Upland Sheep Farmer

A farmer’s life is a hard one – especially if you are keeping sheep on a mountainside. But, at the same time, what is good for the struggling farmer can be bad for the environment and the rest of us (the non-farmers). So this rhyme is in two parts: firstly, the struggle of the upland sheep farmer, and secondly the plight of those affected by flooding caused by the removal of the upland trees and vegetation, and the widening of drainage channels. So on the one hand we can ‘pity’ the upland farmer, and on the other hand we can ‘curse’ the upland farmer.

Bosham Woe

Bosham Woe

Bosham Hoe is a wealthy 1930’s estate of detached family houses/mansions on the edge of the beautiful Chichester Harbour. But when the children leave home, the elderly are left alone – with their memories, isolation, and worries. So this is a tale of loneliness amongst the aged middle class.