Farage, Gove & Johnson

The truth fairy was away
When Brexit took its hold.
Fear-mongering held sway
As benefits were oversold,
Dangers they did downplay,
Porky pies then were told –
A Euro-breakaway
Was falsely extolled

What have you shysters done!
What a web of lies you spun!
NHS benefits overdone!
How you conned everyone!

Farage Gove and Johnson:
Do you still trust them? No!
Farrage Gove and Johnson:
Do you still believe them? No!
Farrage Gove and Johnson:
What do we say to them? Go!

Billions were to be saved!
Safeguarding the borders…
But how you guys behaved –
Immigrants cause disorder?
You’re the ones depraved
With your calls for law and order!
You ranted and then raved…
Regain control – our border!

What have you shysters done!
What a web of lies you spun!
NHS benefits overdone!
How you conned everyone!

Farage Gove and Johnson:
Do you still trust them? No!
Farage Gove and Johnson:
Do you still believe them? No!
Farage Gove and Johnson:
What do we say to them? Go!

You said more cash for health;
Euro regs you then would scrap.
EU’s federalism by stealth –
We’d re-draw the UK map!
There’ll be greater wealth?
New agreements you will unwrap –
Just trade with the Commonwealth!
Oh man – what complete and total crap…

What have you shysters done!
What a web of lies you spun!
NHS benefits overdone!
How you conned everyone!

Farage Gove and Johnson:
Do you still trust them? No!
Farage Gove and Johnson:
Do you still believe them? No!
Farage Gove and Johnson:
What do we say to them? Go!

Well, Farrage and Gove are gone
Which at first sight sounds ideal
But Liam Fox is now the one
Struggling to get a deal.
His reputation is overdone
Whilst Johnson is unreal
Their economics is homespun –
What price their Great Repeal?

What have you shysters done!
What a web of lies you spun!
NHS benefits overdone!
How you conned everyone!

Farage Gove and Johnson:
Do you still trust them? No!
Farage Gove and Johnson:
Do you still believe them? No!
Farage Gove and Johnson:
What do we say to them? Go!

Is this bloke a liar?
Brexit fools conspire..
To stoke the racial fire..
His politics are dire..
His soul is for hire..
Brain cells misfire..
A porky pie’er..
Pants are on fire..
Man this guy’s a liar!
